
The CArdiovascular Research and Exercise (CARE) lab is designed to assess cardiovascular function and autonomic regulation during rest and during exercise.
The CARE lab is equipped with a BIOPAC data acquisition system and Finapres NOVA blood pressure, a tilt table and lower body negative pressure chamber for basic and clinical autonomic testing, a Trackmaster TMX428CP rehabilitation treadmill, a Parvo Medics TrueOne 2400 integrated metabolic measurement system with Polar heart rate monitors for maximal and submaximal exercise testing, and for (cardio-)vascular testing the lab is equipped with a Complior Analyse for arterial assessment, a Mobil-O-Graph for brachial and central blood pressure, and a state-of-the-art Hitachi Arietta 70 Ultrasound device for echocardiography, arterial structure and blood flow in rest and during exercise. In addition to this, the lab is equipped with the Oxiplex TS, a device using near-infrared spectography to non-invasively measure tissue and muscle oxygenation.